Friday, August 16, 2019

Framed Doll Bodies

$15 - $20 (based on 2018 prices)
 Makes two frames

In addition to the witch den for my office’s annual decorating contest, we also selected a ghost motif, complete with hanging phantoms and haunted portraits. Although these props were fabricated from leftovers (spare frames from the framed doll faces and miscellaneous limbs from the pumpkin dolls), they added an intriguing level of oddity to the display.
  • Two ornate picture frames (roughly 13” x 9”)
  • One 10 oz. can of interior/exterior, fast-drying spray paint in flat black
  • One 2 oz. bottle of acrylic paint in flat brown*
  • One 2 oz. bottle of acrylic paint in cream*
  • One 2 oz. bottle of acrylic paint in flat gray*
  • One 2 oz. bottle of acrylic paint in flat white*
  • Three twelve-inch vinyl dolls
  • One yard of white fabric
  • At least four tablespoons of dark roasted coffee grounds
  • One pan large enough to soak the fabric
  • One 4 oz. bottle of all-purpose tacky glue*
  • One to two yards of brown twine
  • Four aged bones (learn how to make them here)
1. Remove the backings and any glass from the frames and, on a newspaper-lined surface in a well-ventilated area, apply an even coat of black spray paint. Although I only used one coat, you may want more depending on your desired coverage. Keep in mind, though, that this is the base coat and much of the black paint will be covered up by lighter colors.
2. Brush the frames with a layer of white paint and, once that has dried, a layer of gray. Concentrate your application on the raised surfaces and leave the deep lines black to give the illusion of grime. If you want to enhance the distressed finish even further, smudge brown paint in random places to mimic dirt.
3. Remove the dolls’ clothing and dismember them. On a newspaper-lined surface in a well-ventilated area, give their heads and limbs an even coat of black spray paint (you will only use the limbs for this project; the heads will be utilized for a different prop). Once the paint has dried, use a thick brush to smear a smattering of wood glue onto the limbs. Try not to over think your application (a random pattern produces the best results). Let the glue sit for a minute to become tacky and then cover the limbs with cream-colored paint. As the glue and paint dry, they will form cracks. Once this is done, brush a light coat of brown paint onto the prop to simulate dirt. During this process, try to focus on areas where dust and grime would normally accumulate: in the creases of elbows and knees and the space between fingers and toes.
4. Boil enough water to completely submerge the fabric and pour it into the pan. Add the coffee. The longer you allow the coffee to brew, the darker the stain will become. Likewise, greater amounts of coffee will produce a richer stain. Submerge the fabric in the coffee mixture and soak it until it reaches the color you desire. I soaked mine for four days and scattered the coffee grounds over the top to add spots. Remove the cloth from the water and allow it to dry.
5. Cut the fabric into squares large enough to thoroughly cover the backings (I cut mine into 12” x 12” sections). Center the cloth on the backings and glue it in place, trimming the excess and cleaning the edges.
6. Wrap twine around a doll’s torso and glue it to the center of the backing, fanning the twine outward to give the illusion the item is lashed to the prop. Do the same for a doll’s face. For a sturdier hold, consider using superglue. To enhance the creepiness, glue limbs to the torso in bizarre spots to fabricate freakish hybrids.
7. Adorn the frames with the remaining limbs and clusters of aged bones. You can arrange them in random positions or create elaborate patterns. Here, too, you can use superglue to securely adhere the pieces to the frames.
8. Attach the backings to the frames and, if you would like, finish the props with additional elements, such as spiders crawling along the surfaces or a few blood splatters.
*You will not use the entire bottle’s content for this project.

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