Friday, January 5, 2018

Scarecrow Necklace

$5 - $10 (based on 2016 prices)
Makes one necklace

I made this necklace to accessorize my costume for 2016’s haunt (check out the hat and the mask that accompanied it). Because I used materials I already possessed, I was able to keep the cost relatively low.
1. Cut the twine into a six-foot section. This may sound like too much; however, the excess will give you room for error. You, of course, are free to use less string.
2. Thread the twine through the rock and, after positioning it in the center of the necklace, knot both ends to keep it in place. A friend made dozens of river stones with drilled holes for an art project and I purchased one from him to use in this prop. You can buy similar items at a craft store or improvise with an alternative object.
3. Use a darning needle to thread the twine through the body parts. Once you have positioned the items, knot both ends to keep them in place. If you want added reinforcement, glue the knots to prevent them from unraveling.
4. Adjust the necklace’s size to fit around the wearer’s head by trimming the excess twine and knotting and fraying both ends.
5. You can make the prop as crude or decorative as you like. For further detail, add weathered beads, chicken feathers, or other random items.

*You will not use the entire bottle’s content for this project.

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