Friday, June 2, 2017

“Double Double” Banner

$3 - $5 (based on 2016 prices)
Makes one sign

I have never cared for Shakespeare (feelings probably spawned by years of literary scholarship for my Master’s degree). The incantation sung by the three witches in Macbeth, though, is a rare exception to that disdain. I wanted to create a banner showcasing the opening couplet from their famous chant and, outside of almost setting the kitchen on fire, this project proved rather quick and simple to make.
  • Twelve sheets of gray cardstock
  • One standard lighter
  • One hole punch
  • Three to four yards of dark-brown twine
  • One 4 oz. bottle of all-purpose tacky glue*
1. Print your message onto the cardstock. I chose to print two words per sheet (making each pennant 8 ½ x 5 ½”), but you can make them smaller or larger based on your personal preferences.
2. Cut out each pennant. If you want to give them more visual interest, try using pinking shears or scallop edgers to create fancier boarders.
3. Use a lighter to burn the edges of the pennants. I found that a Butane gas lighter, because of its length, makes the process easier and safer. Likewise, perform this step in a well-ventilated area and near either a sink or pan of water. Don’t be discouraged if you accidentally ignite a pennant or two (you can always reprint the letters you burned).
4. Punch holes into both sides of the pennants. If you want the banner to have a haphazard look, stagger the holes’ placement; otherwise, keep them relatively uniform.
5. Tie the pennants together with twine, knot the ends, trim the excess, and glue the knots for reinforcement. To make hanging easier, leave about a foot of twine on both ends of the banner.
6. You can embellish the banner with additional details, such as aged bones, feathers, severed fingers, or stick figures.

*You will not use the entire bottle’s content for this project.

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